First Day After Surgery

Last night was terrible and there is nothing that can possibly prepare you for what to expect hours after surgery, today was better. My boy was finally able to sleep peacefully without the moaning. Turns out he is quite good at being able to tell me what he wants and what he really wanted was to be up on his spot, on his blanket, on the couch. It took some barricading to make sure he couldn’t fall but it is what made him comfortable. So much for our well thought out recovery tent…wasn’t even used for a second! Oh well, we thought we were prepared but we had NO idea! He slept a good amount today and ate A LOT, which I totally expected. The moaning only came back around pain med time. Our only issue today was that while he pooped this morning, he refused to pee! Given his prior history of blockage this was a concern for us and our vet. We waited all day and then at around 4pm the vet said to come and just have him checked real quick. The were able to expel his bladder with no issue and figure he just didn’t know how to pee at home. This may be our new norm for the next few days. Although it was nice to have the vet give him a once over and say things look pretty good given where we are at! Fingers crossed for some sleep tonight. I am tired!

Author: cgodinez

Mom of Elvis "E", the laziest but most lovable 22 pound kitty around!

5 thoughts on “First Day After Surgery”

  1. Whew! This is great news, I’m glad you guys are on the way to recovery. I KNEW you could do it!

    Stay on top of those pain meds, don’t let things get to the point of him starting to moan OK? It’s much easier to control the pain that way.

    I’m thrilled things got better today!

  2. Your big fella is doing it his way. I also have a big, black beauty who is very talkative and a big whiner at the vet clinic. He would be a moaner too. Yet, my tiny princess, who had her front leg amputated, never made a peep during her recovery but would race around the house.
    I guess we’ll never know how our pets will respond. The only thing we can do is try to make them comfortable. You are doing great and I hope you can get some respite care so you can have a break.
    Hugs to all.
    Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

    1. Other than that first night we have been very lucky. 5 days post-op and was off pain meds, sleeping on the incision, and no pain at all. The only time he gets nasty is when he has gas… we thought it was pain at first but after an enormous burp (or fart) he goes back to happy kitty!!! So funny!

  3. I’m so happy to hear that your boy got some peaceful sleep! The first few days are definitely rough, but it sounds like you’re doing a wonderful job of catering to his needs. I’m glad that he found a favorite spot for his recovery. 🙂 All of our paws are crossed over here that you also get some good sleep tonight too!

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