In Honor of Elvis

I lost my Big E far too soon. He was honestly the best boy that I have ever had and I truly didn’t know if I would ever get another kitty because I knew none could ever compare to him. In the days after Elvis’s surgery, which were extremely difficult, one of our vet techs at the office was so immensely helpful with everything that we were going through. We were in there almost every single day with him for about a week and a half straight and she was just fantastic. It just so happened that we adopted Elvis through her rescue, Holisticats, a few years back. She knew how much I loved him, how much I did for him, and how devastated I was to lose him. This past summer I noticed that one of her rescues had a non-functional leg and that they were going to be amputating it. After having Elvis, I kind of felt like I was destined to have another. Like I had done it, I knew what to expect and I had walked this path. Part of me felt like it was just meant to be. Well… needless to say a few months ago this perfect little tuxedo tripod kitten named Batten entered our house and it has been perfect!!! There is a huge part of me that almost feels like Elvis sent him to me, made sure that he came to this house for a reason (and he is black, my favorite)! And honestly who can have just one kitten… so now he has a best friend, Rex! Every time I see those three little legs go running, I think of my big mush that I miss so much!



Author: cgodinez

Mom of Elvis "E", the laziest but most lovable 22 pound kitty around!

One thought on “In Honor of Elvis”

  1. Ohhh my gosh congratulations! What adorable smushballs, I just want to reach through my monitor and love them up. Those are two very lucky kitties to have such a great home. Elvis definitely sent them to the right place.

    So just Batten is the Tripawd right? Rex is still adorable, even if he’s got that fourth leg lol!

    I’m so hoppy you included us in your good news, thank you!

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